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Born in 1968 in Frankfurt am Main, Achim Ripperger studied “with honors” at the Frankfurt Academy of Visual Arts AVA. His work as artist was preceded by a creative career in the advertising industry. Thematic focus of his works is the human being. As a physical and mental being full of strength and fragility, simplicity and genius, freedom and dependence, consciousness and subconscious. To oppose or to strive for the possibility of one’s own self-realization. Ripperger’s sculptures and paintings seek and rescue these often conflicting situations and develop their own, inward-looking language. Wherever the rational thought ceases and there is no word to be found, his works shall begin to work. This allows the viewer an unbiased view of “being human” in itself, as well as self-reflective observation.
Achim Ripperger’s works can be seen in numerous exhibitions in Germany and Italy. In Italy, in 2016, he realized a large-scale sculpture in public space, the “Common Root”. In 2017 a “pillar of freedom” made of marble on the Via Claudia Augusta / Laas, as well as the sculpture “All Free” for a multipart monument in Modena, Italy. In 2018 he created the 841 kg heavy bronze sculpture “Cohesion” for a Frankfurt financial company. 2019 he presents a new sculpture-installation “entangled” at an international art exhibition in China. In addition to his solo projects, Ripperger develops, implements and supports initiatives that promote a social and liberal society. Achim Ripperger is the initiator of the integrative art project DAS NEUE HAUS, which is funded by the Department of Culture and Science of the City of Frankfurt am Main. The ensuing group work “INSTALLATION 108” will be installed in 2019 as a floating work of art in the newly acquired Office for Multicultural Affairs (AmkA) of the City of Frankfurt. www.dasneue.haus As part of the group of artists TRUTHFIGHTERS, Ripperger and his colleagues draw portraits of journalists persecuted, imprisoned and murdered throughout the world. With traveling exhibitions, petitions and a website, the victims are remembered, imprisoned journalists receive support and a visible memorial for the freedom of the press is created. www.wahrheitskaempfer.de Achim Ripperger is co-founder of the OstStern Cultural Association e.V. and realized Frankfurt’s largest independent art and culture project as part of the OstStern team in 2018. The OstStern project was part of the popular NIGHT OF THE MUSEUMS program in 2018. www.ost-stern-ffm.de As co-founder and vice-chairman of the association “ART MOVES EUROPE e.V.”, Achim Ripperger is committed to the European idea. The aim of the association is to activate participating artists in all European countries, plan traveling exhibitions, to develop ideas and to attract project partners and supporters from all sectors of society in order to initiate a far-reaching artistic dialogue on the values and visions of Europe as well as to promote an international outlook in all areas of culture and international understanding. The project will start in January 2019 and will culminate in late 2021 through networking of all activities. www.art-moves-europe.de Achim Ripperger is married and has two children. He lives and works in Frankfurt, Germany. Exhibitions and projects // Selection “MIXED FEELINGS” City-Gallery, Wiesbaden, 11.9.- 30.09.2019 “SPECTACLE 2019” Art Museum of Jiangxi University, Nanchang, China, 11.05. – 21.05.2019 “INAUGURAZIONE SCULTURA” “Pietre per parlare”, Modena 24.03-2019 “DISCOVERY ART FAIR” Forum Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt, 2.- 4.11.2018 “IDENTITY” East> Stern, Hanauer Landstraße, Frankfurt am Main, 21.09. – 27.12.2018 “BE HERE” MAIN-TAUNUS KLINKEN, Bad Soden, 26.09.2018 – 31.03.2019 “TRUTH FIGHTERS” UNESCO World Press Freedom Day 2018, Ghana, Accra, 02. + .03.04.2018 “NIGHT OF THE MUSEUMS” EAST> STERN 121, Frankfurt, 05.05.2018 “SINCE I HAVE EVER SEEN EVERYTHING …” OST> STERN 121, Frankfurt, 29.04. – 26.05.2018 “THE NEW HOUSE” art project, OST> STERN 121, Frankfurt, January – December 2018 “TRUTH FIGHTERS” Hessian state parliament, Wiesbaden, 12th – 15th December 2017 “TRUTH” Interdisciplinary Center for Palliative Medicine, Agaplesion FFM, 10.10.17 – 31.01.18 “ART FROM HESSEN” Hessian state parliament, Schlossplatz 1-3, Wiesbaden, 26. – 28. September 2017 “LE PIETRE PER PALARE” German contribution to a monument, city of Modena, Italy, September 2017 “MOVE TO THE KNOWLEDGE” Hugenottenhalle, 11th August – 20th August 2017 “PILLARS OF FREEDOM” Pillars of freedon – Sculpture Symposium, Laas, Bolzano, Italy, July 29th – August 6th, 2017 “PEOPLE” La Scultura Racconta, Arte in Torre, Comune di Castelnuovo Rangone, Modena, January 14 – 29, 2017 “MOMENTS OF LUCK” Gallery “Mainzer Kunst! Mainz / Rhine, November 2016 – January 2017 “ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION FRIEDRICH STOLTZE” Stoltze Museum, Frankfurt am Main, September – December 2016 “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?” Erlöserkirche Mainz-Kastel, on the occasion of the AKK Kulturtage, August – September 2016 “SOULS OF THE RIVER” BIMP Biblioteca Interattiva Multimedia, Pedaso, Italy, July – August 2016 “OUT OF THE ROOTS” L’Associazione & Galleria Sibilla Arte, Carassai, Italy, July – September 2016 “4QM TRUTH” Ideas for a Bremer “Arisierungs” Memorial, Bremer Landesparlament, June 28 – August 12, 2016 “FROM NATURE” GWF Winzergemeinschaft Franken, Würzburg / Kitzingen, June 2016 “MOMENTS” Foundation St. Matthew, Berlin, February – May 2016 “PALLIUM” Foundation Hospital of the Holy Spirit, Pallium Hohenwald, Kronberg, January – March 2016 “NATURE PUR” Gallery “Mainzer Kunst! Mainz / Rhine, November 2015 – January 2016 “FIGURATIVA” with Andrea Capucci, Sculpture & Painting, in Modena & Frankfurt am Main, October 2015 “HOPE” Center for Palliative Medicine in AGAPLESION MARKUS KRANKENHAUS Frankfurt am Main, July – Nov 2015 “ERIC” commissioned work, sculpture design (bronze) of the award “Apple Winemaker of the Year”, June 2015 “NINE VALUES CUP” commissioned work, sculpture design (aluminum) for the int. “Football for Friendship” Forum. May 2015 “MOSES 3” Forum Art and Culture, Eurodebahnhof Herzogenrath, Audience Award 2nd place, Feb 2015 “MÜLLJUNGFRAU” Sculpture & Installation in Public Space, GREEN BOX, Kaiserpassage, Frankfurt / Main 2014/15 “ART TOTAL” Museum Modern Art Hünfeld, September 2014 – January 2015 “GRAPHIC” commissioned work, motif design for the greeting card of MUSEUMSUFER FRANKFURT Frankfurt am Main, 2014 “TREPPENKOPF” Sculpture for the “Week of Silence”, Evang. Regional Association, Frankfurt am Main, 2014 “LORIOT ZU EHREN” Nomination, idea for a monument to Vicco von Bülow, Kunstverein Brandenburg an der Havel, 2014 “KUNSTPREIS 2013” received art-award, Wiesbaden Town Hall for the 50th anniversary of Telefonseelsorge Wiesbaden-Mainz |